Tec de Monterrey
Proyecto Nacional
Office Futures
BASE Milán
Using critical and speculative design methodologies, students develop projects that address well-being in the office. In this way, they expanded functions of decoration or pleasure, relieving stress or inspiring creativity towards issues of greater competition with people in the workplace, such as commitment, health and purpose.
For our BASE exhibition project, students worked on an office toy, a wearable or an accessory that is not a work-related function, but often intended to provide decoration or pleasure, relieve stress, or inspire creativity.
The objects were aimed at helping with 3 macro-trends:
The Great Resignation — Office workers are reevaluating their jobs and quitting when not finding a purpose or not fulfilling their work life.
Office workers dissatisfied with their jobs or their pay are quitting their jobs at an incremental speed.
Office Wellness — Work spaces are experiencing an evolution in how employers view healthcare, mental health and employee wellness as an overall business strategy.
Living with Intent — Polyproductivity aided by technology allows workers to have more time for hobbies, family and relaxation.
Expanding these trends into dystopian futures, students created radical and manufacturable proposals that allow us to visualize a better future for work spaces from the perspective of Office Futures. The results have exceptional craftsmanship and extensive aesthetic and process exploration.
Fernanda Ordorica Bechelany
Paulina Reynoso Fuentes
Itzel Daniela Rivera Bahena
Sonno is a dream programmer that turns rest time into continuous learning, criticizing the absurd hyper-specialization that goes beyond the tranquility of sleep.
Mónica Lizbeth Sánchez García
Hugo Ulises Dimas Gallegos
Mr Lonely
Mr. Lonely is a desk toy that plays the role of a "companion" and by emitting various sounds, it aims to eliminate the feeling of emptiness generated in the environment when being alone.
Valeria Alejandra Morán Zavala
Fernanda Ramírez Olivares
Anywhere is a portable desk which combines work and personal life. A product that shows a possible near future in which your office is anywhere, there are no limits.
Verónica Bernal López
Alan Hernández Torres
The Working Cult
Ana Cristina Campos Medina
Elsie Decrescenzo Guadalajara
Andrea García Lúa
Officesory, the accesory that provides workers a breath of privacy in the chaotic place called the office.
Denise Mondragón Villa
Darian Suárez Domínguez